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Hizb Al Bahr Transliteration

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Hizbul Bahr Phonetic Transliteration HizbulBahr English & Transliteration & Commentary and Spiritual hand & blowing protection movements The Imam Shadhili said; about the Hizb ul Bahr By God, I did not utter it the Litany of the Sea except as it came from the Prophet of God (s), from whose instruction I learned it. The story of the Hizbul Bahr The worthy Shaykh Abu al-'Aza'im Madi ibn Sultan related to me in the city ofTunis, may Allah the Exalted watch over it, as did also the worthy and blessed Shaykh Sharaf al-Din, son of the Shaykh (al-Shadhili) in the city of Damanhur al-Wahsh of Egypt in the year A.H. 715 that shaykh. Hizb Al Bahr Transliteration. The Imam Shadhili said; about the Hizb ul Bahr By God, I did not utter it the Litany of the Sea except as it came from the Prophet of God (s), from whose instruction I learned it. 'Guard it;' he said to me, ' for it contains the Ism al-'Adhim-Greatest name of God: '- It is not recited in any place. Hizb Al Bahr Transliteration Find dua hizbul bahr which is a Arabic prayer for hizbul with dua text, translation & transliteration in English, there are many duas in Islam which are available for people to make easiness in their life. The Mystical Teachings of al-Shadhili from Ibn al-Sabbagh's Durrat al-Asrar wa Tufat al-Abarar translation by Elmer H. Dougla S Hizb ul Bahr - Litany of the Sea The worthy Shaykh Abu al-'Aza'im Madi ibn Sultan related to me in the city ofTunis, may God the Exalted watch over it, as did also the worthy and blessed Shaykh Sharaf al-Din, son of the Shaykh (al-Shadhili) in the city of Damanhur al.

HizbulBahr English & Transliteration & Commentary and Spiritual hand & blowing protection movements

The Imam Shadhili said; about the Hizb ul Bahr By God, I did notutter it [the Litany of the Sea] except as it camefrom the Prophet of God(s), fromwhose instruction I learned it. 'Guardit;' he said to me, 'for itcontains the Ism al-'Adhim-Greatest name of God:'- It is not recited in any place without security reigning there. If it had beenwith the inhabitants of Baghdad, the Tatars would not have taken the city. Onhis death bed Imam Shadhili gave Naseeha-counsel to recite his Litany of the Sea (Hizb ul Bahr) often, and hesaid, 'Teach it to your children for the Ismal-'Adhim-Greatest name of God is in it.'

Hizb ul Bahr English & Transliteration &Commentary
and the Spiritual hand & blowing protection movements will also bementioned
See text in Red corresponds with the 8 SecretPoints

Bismillahir rahmanir raheem.
In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
Dua hizbul bahr

Ya Allahu, Ya 'A*liyyu, Ya 'A*dheemu, Ya Ha*leemu, Ya 'A*leem.Anta rabbi, wa 'ilmuka hasbi, fa ni'*mar-rabbu rabbi, wa ni'*mal h*asbu h*asbi,tan-suru man tashaa-u wa antal 'a*zeezur raheem.
Oh,Allah! Oh, Most High! Oh, Exalted! Oh, Gentle! Oh, All-Knowing! You are mySustainer and Your knowledge is my sufficiency, how excellent a Sustainer is mySustainer; how excellent a Sufficer is my Sufficer. You aid whom You choose,andYou are the All-Powerful, the Most Merciful.

Nas-alukal 'is*mata fil harakati was-sakanati walkalimati wal iradati wal khatarat minash-shukuki wa-dhununi walawhamis-satiraati lil qulubi 'an mutala'atil ghuyub.
We ask of Your Protection in our movements and our stillness, in our words andour desires, and our thoughts; from the doubts and the suspicions and theillusions that veil our hearts from the perception of the unseen.[Note 1]
Faqadib tuliyal mu'minoona wa zulzilu zilzaalan shadeeda.
Wa idh 'yaqulul munafiquna wal-ladheena fi qulubihimmaradun ma wa'adanallahu wa rasuluhu illa ghurura.'
And'truly have the believers been tested and shaken, shaken severely
andif the hypocrites and those with doubting hearts say: Allah and HisMessenger did not promise us other than delusion' (Surah Ahzab 33:11-12),[Note 2]

[Point.1Upon reciting shadeedan point with yourright index finger (Shahadah finger) toward the sky ]
Fa thibbitna wan-surna wasakh-khir lana hadhal bahra, kama sakh-khartal bahrali Musa, wa sakh-khartan nara liIbrahim. Wa sakh-khartal jibaala wal ha*deeda li Dawud. Wa sakh-khartar reehawash-shayatina wal jinna li Sulayman.
firmlyroot us and support us and subjugate to us this Seaas You subjugated the Sea to Moses. And You subjugated the fire to Abraham. AndYou subjugated the mountains and the iron to David. And You subjugated the windand the Demons and the Jinns to Solomon. [Note 3]

[Point.2 At the word wan-surnaa-(and give us support orvictory) think in your heart deeply of the purpose for which this dua (meaningthe Hizb ul Bahr) is being read for, so focus your thoughts and zoom into yourhearts your needs to be made victorious or be given success in a need or taskor problem to be solved.]

Wa sakh-khir lana kulla bahrin huwa laka fil ardiwas-samaa-i(+) wal mulki wal malakuti. Wa bahrad-dunya, wa bahral akhira. Wasakh-khir lana kulla shay-in ya man bi yadihi malakutu kulli shay.
And subjugate to us every sea of Yours on the Earth, in the Skies, theDominions and the Heavenly Realm. And the Sea of this world and the Sea of theWorld to come. And subjugate to us everything, Oh! You in Whose Hand is thedominion over everything.

Kaaf Haa Yaa 'Ain Saad.
Kaaf Haa Yaa 'Ain Saad.
Kaaf Haa Yaa 'Ain Saad.
[Note 4] (Kaaf, Ayn and Saad really long, letters in between quickly)

Unsurna fi-innaka khayrun-naasireen.
Waf-tah lana fi-innaka khayrul faatiheen.
[Note 5]
Wagh-fir lana fi-innaka khayrul ghaafireen.
War-hamna fi-innaka khayrur-raahimeen. (Ra- little madd- in fact 1st letter of all last words)
War-zuqna fi-innaka khayrur-raaziqeen.
[Note 6]
[Kaaf-Haa-Yaa-‘Ain-Saad] (3x).

Aid us,for You are the best of those who aid.
And open for us, for You are the best of those who open.
And forgive us, for You are the best of Forgivers.
And have mercy upon us, for You are the best of those who Show Mercy.
And provide for us, for You are the best of Providers.

Hizb Al Bahr Transliteration Rashid

[Point.3 When you read Kaaf, Haa, Yaa, 'Ain, Saad,with your right hand close your small finger 1st with by recitingKaafand close, 2nd next finger by reciting Haa and close, 3rd finger by recitingYaa and close, 4th by reciting 'Ain and close, 5th thumb by reciting Saad and close,you now have a closed fist.(1st reading)

Now open as you closed with small finger 1st by reciting Kaaf open, 2nd nextfinger by reciting Haa open, 3rd finger by reciting Yaa open, 4th by reciting'Ain open, 5th thumb by reciting Saad open.(2nd reading)
3rd time close small finger 1st by reciting
Kaaf and close, 2nd next finger byreciting Haa and close, 3rd fingerby recitingYaa and close, 4th by reciting 'Ain and close, 5th thumb by reciting Saad andclose, you now have a closed again.(3rd reading)
1st. Recite unsurna and open small finger
2nd. Recite Fa-innaka khayrun-nasireen open second finger
3rd. Recite Fa-innaka khayrun-fathiheen open third finger
4th. Recite Fa-innaka khayrun-ghafireen open fourth finger
5th. Recite Fa-innaka khayrun-rahimeen open thumb ]

Wahdina wanajjina minal qawmidh-dhalimeen. (Dha* that comes after Taa*)
Wa hab lana reehan tayyibatan kama hiya fi 'il*mik.
Wan-shurha 'a*layna min khazaa-ini rahmatik. (Wanshurha)
Wahmilna biha hamlal karamati ma'assalamati wal 'afiyati fid-deeni wad-dunyawal akhira. 'Innaka 'ala kulli shayin qadeer.'
Andguide and deliver us from the People of Oppression.
Andgrant us a fair wind according to Your Knowledge and waft it upon us from theTreasures of Your Mercy. Carry us by the conveyance of Your Generosity with Peacein our lives in this world & in the world to come 'over all things You havepower'(3:26)[Note 7]

Allahumma yassir lana umuranama'arrahati li qulubina wa abdanina
was-salamati wal 'afiyati fi dunyana wa deenina. Wa kul-lana sahiban fi
safarina wa khaleefatan fi ahlina. Wat-mis 'ala
wujuhi a'daaaaa-ina. Wam-sakh
hum 'ala makanatihim fala yasta-ti'unal mudiyya walal maji'a ilayna.
'Wa law nashaaa-u latamasna 'a*la a'*yunihim fas-tabaqus-sirata fa-annayubsiroon. Wa law nashaaa-u lamasakh nahum 'a*la makanatihim famas-tata'*umudiyyaw-wa la yarji'*oon.'
Oh, Allah! Make easy for us our situations/tasks withrest for our hearts and our bodies; and peace and well-being in our spiritualand worldly lives and be to us our Companion in our journey and the Guardian ofour family. Efface the faces of our enemy. Freeze them in their places sothat they are unable to go or to come against us. 'If We willed We would havewiped out their eyes, then they would have raced to the Way, but how would theyhave seen? And if We willed, We would have frozen them in their places, neithercould they go forth or could they return' (36:66-67).[Note 7a]

[Point.4 Upon reading umurana-Make easy for ouraffairs/tasks think in your heart deeply your need and task that you wouldlike to made easy for you, maybe a job interview, maybe a marriage proposal, orfinancial purpose, maybe some troublesome person is causing you issues inlife or work, put the object for which this dua-(meaning the Hizb ul Bahr) isbeing read for in your heart and think about it, focus and make niyyahwhen you say the word 'umurana-Make easy for our tasks'and simply placethat task to be made easy into your heart, or picture it happening in yourheart when you say the word umurana. Know that niyyah-intentionis energy and has a direction and movement and flow. And niyyah hasa vibration or resonance or echoing and it maintains itsmomentum by the leve of intention from our souls and heart and whenthe words of a niyyah are said they travel and start to transform into action ]
[Point.5 Upon reciting the word (Wujuhi-faces) closed your right handinto a fist and shake it up and down to the ground and release if facingground.
Thus 'efface the faces of our enemy,' efface means to obliterate, to wipe out; doaway with; expunge: to efface or erase one's unhappy memories. to rub out,erase. And is a methaphor for a man's honour, anotherway it could beseen as is, 'Wipe out/destroy the faces or honour of our enemy'. For adishonoured or disgraced face is below you and a head with a body is uselessand powerless ]

'Ya seeeen. Wal Qur'aanil hakeemi. Innaka laminalmursaleen. 'Ala
siratim-mustaqeem. Tanzeelal 'azeezir-raheemi. Li tunzira qawmam-ma undhira
aaabaaa-uhum fahum ghafiloon. Laqad haqqal qawlu 'a*la ak-tharihim fahum la
yu'minoon. Inna ja'alna fi a*'naqihim aghlalan fa hiya ilal adhqani fahum
muqmahoon. Wa ja'alna mim-bayni aydihim saddan wa min khalfihim saddan
fa-agh shaynahum fahum la yubsiroon.'

'Ya-Seen, By the Qur'an, full of wisdom.
You are indeed among the Messengers. On a straight way.
Sent down by the All-Powerful, the Merciful. So that you may warn a people
whose forefathers received no admonition and who therefore remain heedless.
The Word has been proved true against the greater part of them, for they do
not believe. Behold, We have placed yokes around their necks
so that their heads are forced up. And We have placed in front of them abarrier and behind them a barrier and further, We have covered them up: so thatthey do not see' (36:1-9).
Shaahatil wujooh.
Shaahatil wujooh.
Shaahatil wujooh.

May their faces be deformed!
May their faces be deformed!
May their faces be deformed! [Note 8]

[Point.6 Upon reciting the on word ('Shaahatilwujooh'-May their faces be deformed) slap the ground with your left hand. 3times. with each recitation think in your heart of your enemies that they bedestroyed. and strike the ground, and understanding is with the back ofyour right hand each time. however there is another understanding of using the left hand with the palm hitting the floor each of the 3 times andeach with reciting Shaahatil wujooh'-May their faces be deformed.- Again seepoint 5. about the meaning of faces be deformed and disgraced meaningpowerless]
'Wa '*anatil wujoohu lil hayyil qayyumi wa qadkhaba man hamaladhulma.'
'Faces shall be humbled before the Living, the Self-Subsistent. Indeed willfail, the one who has evil within him' (20:111).

'Ta seen. Ha meem. 'Ain seen qaaf.' (Madd on letters)
Tah-Seen; Tah-Seen-Meem; Ha-Meem-‘Ain-Seen-Qaf.
'Marajal bahrayni yaltaqiyaan. Baynahumabarzakhul-la yabghiyan.'
'He let forth the two seas that come together, between them is a barrier theydo not pass' (55:19-20).
'Ha meem. Ha meem. Ha meem. Ha meem. Ha meem. Hameem. Ha meem.' (Madd)
[Ha-Meem] (7x). [Note 9]

[Point.7 Recite Ha-Mim seven times,1st Recite Ha-Mim and thenblow to your right side, 2nd Recite Ha-Mim and blow to your left side,3rd Recite Ha-Mim and blow in Front of yourself, then 4th Recite Ha-Mim andthen blow behide your back. 5th Recite Ha-Mim and then up into the air. 6th Recite Ha-Mim and blow down below. finally 7th Recite Ha-Mim and thenblow across into hands and rub across chest and all over over your body, the reasons for blowing all 7 directions will be explained in the Commentary]

Hummal amru wa ja-an-nasru fa'*alayna la yunsaroon.
'Ha meem. Tanzeelul kitabi minallahil '*azeezil '*aleem. Ghafiridh-dhambi waqabilit-tawbi shadeedil '*iqabi dhit-tawli la ilaha illa huwa ilayhilmaseer.'

The matter is decreed, victory came, against us they shall not be victorious.
'Ha-Meem. The Book came down from Allah, The Most Powerful, the All-Knowing'(41:1-2). Pardoner of sin, Accepter of penitence, terrible in retribution, TheBountiful. 'There is no god but He, to Him is the Homecoming' (40:3).
Bismillahi, baabuna Tabaraka, hitanuna Ya seen,saqfuna (Madd ya seen)
Kaaf Haa Ya 'Ain Sad, kifayatuna Haa Meem 'Ain Seen Qaafhimayatuna. [Note 10] (Madd Kaff Ayn Saad) and (Meem Ayn Seen Qaaf)
[‘In the Name of Allah' is our door. ‘By His blessing', our walls. Ya-Seen, ourroof. Kaaf-Ha-Ya-‘Ain-Saad, our sufficiency. Ha-Meem-‘Ain-Seen-Qaf, ourprotection.

[Point.8 When you read Kaaf, Haa, Yaa,'Ain, Saad, with your right hand close your small finger 1st with byrecitingKaaf and close, 2nd next finger by reciting Haa and close, 3rdfinger by reciting Yaa and close, 4th by reciting 'Ain and close, 5th thumb byreciting Saad and close, you now have a closed fist.
Now open as you closed with small finger 1st by reciting Haa open, 2ndnext finger by reciting Meem open, 3rd finger by reciting 'Ain open,4th by reciting Seen open, 5th thumb by reciting Qaaf open.

'Fasayakfikahumullahu wa huwas-sami'*ul '*aleem. [Note 10]
Fasayakfikahumullahu wa huwas-sami'*ul '*aleem.
Fasayakfikahumullahu wa huwas-sami'*ul '*aleem.'
Sitrul '*arshi masbulun '*alayna, wa 'ainullahi nadhiratun ilayna, bi hawlillahila yuqdaru '*alayna.
[Note 11]
Wallahu miw-waraaihim muheet. Bal huwa Qura'anum-majeed. Fi lawhim-mahfoodh.

'Allah will protect us and He is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing' (2:137)] (3x).
[Theveil of the Throne is extended over us, and the Eye Of Allah gazes upon us, bythe Power of Allah, none may decree evil upon us. 'And Allah, all unseen, hassurrounded them. Truly it is a Glorious Qur'an. In a preserved Tablet'(85:20-22).

'Fallahu khayrun hafidhan-wa huwaarhamur-rahimeen.
Fallahu khayrun hafidhan wa huwa arhamur-rahimeen.
Fallahu khayrun hafidhan wa huwa arhamur-rahimeen.'

'And Allah is the best Protector and He is the Most Merciful of those who showMercy' (12:92)] (3x).
'Inna waliy-yiyallahul-ladhee nazzalal kitabawa huwa yatawallas-saliheen.'
'Inna waliy-yiyallahul-ladhee nazzalal kitaba wa huwayatawallas-saliheen.'
'Inna waliy-yiyallahul-ladhee nazzalal kitaba wahuwa yatawallas-saliheen.'

['Truly my Protector is Allah, the One who sent down the Book,and He protectsthe righteous' (7:196)] (3x).
'Hasbiyallahu la ilaha illa huwa 'alayhitawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul '*arshil '*adheem
Hasbiyallahu la ilaha illa huwa 'alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul '*arshil'*adheem.'
'Hasbiyallahu la ilaha illa huwa 'alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul '*arshil *'adheem.'

Hizbul Bahr Text

['Sufficientfor me is Allah, there is no god but He, upon Him I place my trust, and He isthe Lord of the Glorious Throne' (9:129)] (3x).[Note 12]

Bismillahil ladhee la yadurru ma*'asmihi shayun filardi wa la fis-samaaa-i wa huwas-sami'*ul '*aleem.
Bismillahil ladhee la yadurru ma*'asmihi shayun fil ardi wa la fis-samaaa-i wahuwas-sami'*ul '*aleem.
Bismillahil ladhee la yadurru ma'*asmihi shayun fil ardi wa la fis-samaaa-i wahuwas-sami'ul '*aleem.
[Inthe Name of Allah with whose Name no harm shall come to anything in the earthnor in the heavens and He is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing] (3x). [Note 13]
Audhu bi kalimatillahit-taammati min sharri ma khalaq.
Audhu bi kalimatillahit-taammati min sharri ma khalaq.
Audhu bi kalimatillahit-taammati min sharri ma khalaq.
[Note 14]
Inthe name of God, with whose Name nothing in the earth or sky can do harm, forHe is the All-Hearer, All-Knower. (3x).

Wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil '*aliyyil'*adheem.
Wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil '*aliyyil '*adheem.
Wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil '*aliyyil *adheem.
[Note 15]
[Andthere is no Power and no Might except with Allah, the Exalted, the Glorious].(3x).
  • HizbulBahr English & Transliteration & Commentary and Spiritual hand. Hizb ul Bahr English & Transliteration. Al Afw-it is the forgiveness of sins and.
  • By Sayyiduna Imam Abul Hasan al-Shadhili. PDF (Arabic, English and transliteration). Of Sayyiduna Sheikh Muhammad ibn Mas'ud al-Fasi; Hizb al-Bahr.

HizbulBahr English & Transliteration & Commentary and. Spiritual hand & blowing protection movements The Imam Shadhili said; about the Hizb ul Bahr By God, I did not utter it [the Litany of. Windows 10 sound set default greyed out.

Hizb al-Bahr or ‘The Litany of the Sea' is recited after the midafternoon prayer (‘asr). Some read it at sunrise, at which time it possesses particular properties, and it is also read whenever one is in particular need of something, in which case one makes one's intention at the words wa sakhkhir lana hadha l-bahr ('and subject to us this sea'). Like all of the hizbs of the tariqa, it should be memorized and recited from one's heart as if it were one's own words, with complete attention to whom one is addressing it.

It is not a magic wand, but an expression of slavehood and poverty. In a general way, the purpose of these wirds is not only to train the heart in du‘a', but to eventually eliminate one's absentmindedness from Allah, and one must strive in them to have presence of heart. Though memorized, they are not rote. (Shaykh Nuh Keller –

From The Mystical Teachings of al-Shadhili

The worthy Shaykh Abu al-‘Aza'im Madi ibn Sultan related to me in the city ofTunis, may God the Exalted watch over it, as did also the worthy and blessed Shaykh Sharaf al-Din, son of the Shaykh (al-Shadhili) in the city of Damanhur al-Wahsh of Egypt in the year A.H. 715 that shaykh was on the point of setting out from Cairo to perform the pilgrimage to Mecca a short time after the departure of the pilgrims.

He said, 'I have been divinely ordered to go on pilgrimage this year. So find for us a Nile vessel in which to make the journey by way of Upper Egypt:' They looked about for a vessel, but found only one belonging to Christians on which was an elderly Christian man with his sons.

He said, 'Let us get on board:' We entered the vessel and set sail from Cairo and traveled for two or three days. Then the wind shifted so that we were sailing into it. So we tied up to the bank of the Nile at an uninhabited spot. We remained there about a week within sight of the hills of Cairo.

One of the pilgrims accompanying us asked, 'How is it that the Shaykh says that he was ordered to perform the pilgrimage this year when the time for it has passed? And how long will this journey take? , In the middle of the day the shaykh slept and awoke, and then offered this prayer [known as Litany of the Sea]. 'Where is the captain of the vessel?' he inquired.

'Yes' he answered, 'here I am:'
'What is your name?' the shaykh asked. 'Mismar:'
'O blessed Mismar, unfurl the sail:' the shaykh ordered.
'O my master:' the captain objected, '[lf I do that], we shall come again to Cairo by sailing before the wind:'
'We shall again become travelers:' the shaykh replied, 'if God wills:'

Again the captain objected, 'This wind will drive us back to Cairo before the end of this day, and, furthermore, with the wind as it is, to get the ship under sail will be absolutely impossible:'

'Unfurl the sail;' the shaykh ordered him, 'with the blessing of God:' So we unfurled the sail, and God [He is exalted] commanded the wind so that it shifted and filled the sail [so quickly that they] were unable to cast off the rope from the stake. They cut it and we departed under a gentle breeze. The captain converted to Islam, both he and his brother.

Their father did not cease to lament and say, 'I have lost my two sons on,
this journey:' 'On the contrary;' the shaykh said to him, 'you have gained them:'

That night the Christian had a vision in which the day of resurrection, as it were, had come, and he was beholding the Garden and the fire. He witnessed the shaykh (al-Shadhili) conducting to the Garden a large crowd of people. Among them were the Christian's sons. He wanted to follow them, but he was prevented. He was told, 'You are not of them until you enter their religion:'

The Christian related that to the shaykh, and he [the Christian] converted to Islam. Then the shaykh told him, 'The people whom you saw with me are my companions to the day of resurrection.'

We continued our journey easily and successfully with incidents the telling of which would consume a long time. They finished the pilgrimage that year.
My master, Madi, related, according to a report from the shaykh, The Christian became one of the great saints of God. Consequently, he sold his vessel and performed the pilgrimage with us, along with his sons.

He had a zawiya (worship place) in Upper Egypt and was one of those who were endowed with charismatic powers. This blessed journey was an occasion for the manifestation of such a power. May God have mercy on him and be pleased with him.

The shaykh said,
By God, I did not utter it [the Litany of the Sea] except as it came from the Prophet of God, from whose instruction I learned it. 'Guard it;' he said to me, 'for it contains the greatest name of God:'

It is not recited in any place without security reigning there. If it had been with the inhabitants of Baghdad, the Tatars would not have taken the city.

Hizb al-Bahr

The Litany of the Sea

Hizb al-Bahr



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Hizb Al Bahr Transliteration











Hizb Al Bahr Transliteration

Ya Allahu, Ya 'A*liyyu, Ya 'A*dheemu, Ya Ha*leemu, Ya 'A*leem.Anta rabbi, wa 'ilmuka hasbi, fa ni'*mar-rabbu rabbi, wa ni'*mal h*asbu h*asbi,tan-suru man tashaa-u wa antal 'a*zeezur raheem.
Oh,Allah! Oh, Most High! Oh, Exalted! Oh, Gentle! Oh, All-Knowing! You are mySustainer and Your knowledge is my sufficiency, how excellent a Sustainer is mySustainer; how excellent a Sufficer is my Sufficer. You aid whom You choose,andYou are the All-Powerful, the Most Merciful.

Nas-alukal 'is*mata fil harakati was-sakanati walkalimati wal iradati wal khatarat minash-shukuki wa-dhununi walawhamis-satiraati lil qulubi 'an mutala'atil ghuyub.
We ask of Your Protection in our movements and our stillness, in our words andour desires, and our thoughts; from the doubts and the suspicions and theillusions that veil our hearts from the perception of the unseen.[Note 1]
Faqadib tuliyal mu'minoona wa zulzilu zilzaalan shadeeda.
Wa idh 'yaqulul munafiquna wal-ladheena fi qulubihimmaradun ma wa'adanallahu wa rasuluhu illa ghurura.'
And'truly have the believers been tested and shaken, shaken severely
andif the hypocrites and those with doubting hearts say: Allah and HisMessenger did not promise us other than delusion' (Surah Ahzab 33:11-12),[Note 2]

[Point.1Upon reciting shadeedan point with yourright index finger (Shahadah finger) toward the sky ]
Fa thibbitna wan-surna wasakh-khir lana hadhal bahra, kama sakh-khartal bahrali Musa, wa sakh-khartan nara liIbrahim. Wa sakh-khartal jibaala wal ha*deeda li Dawud. Wa sakh-khartar reehawash-shayatina wal jinna li Sulayman.
firmlyroot us and support us and subjugate to us this Seaas You subjugated the Sea to Moses. And You subjugated the fire to Abraham. AndYou subjugated the mountains and the iron to David. And You subjugated the windand the Demons and the Jinns to Solomon. [Note 3]

[Point.2 At the word wan-surnaa-(and give us support orvictory) think in your heart deeply of the purpose for which this dua (meaningthe Hizb ul Bahr) is being read for, so focus your thoughts and zoom into yourhearts your needs to be made victorious or be given success in a need or taskor problem to be solved.]

Wa sakh-khir lana kulla bahrin huwa laka fil ardiwas-samaa-i(+) wal mulki wal malakuti. Wa bahrad-dunya, wa bahral akhira. Wasakh-khir lana kulla shay-in ya man bi yadihi malakutu kulli shay.
And subjugate to us every sea of Yours on the Earth, in the Skies, theDominions and the Heavenly Realm. And the Sea of this world and the Sea of theWorld to come. And subjugate to us everything, Oh! You in Whose Hand is thedominion over everything.

Kaaf Haa Yaa 'Ain Saad.
Kaaf Haa Yaa 'Ain Saad.
Kaaf Haa Yaa 'Ain Saad.
[Note 4] (Kaaf, Ayn and Saad really long, letters in between quickly)

Unsurna fi-innaka khayrun-naasireen.
Waf-tah lana fi-innaka khayrul faatiheen.
[Note 5]
Wagh-fir lana fi-innaka khayrul ghaafireen.
War-hamna fi-innaka khayrur-raahimeen. (Ra- little madd- in fact 1st letter of all last words)
War-zuqna fi-innaka khayrur-raaziqeen.
[Note 6]
[Kaaf-Haa-Yaa-‘Ain-Saad] (3x).

Aid us,for You are the best of those who aid.
And open for us, for You are the best of those who open.
And forgive us, for You are the best of Forgivers.
And have mercy upon us, for You are the best of those who Show Mercy.
And provide for us, for You are the best of Providers.

Hizb Al Bahr Transliteration Rashid

[Point.3 When you read Kaaf, Haa, Yaa, 'Ain, Saad,with your right hand close your small finger 1st with by recitingKaafand close, 2nd next finger by reciting Haa and close, 3rd finger by recitingYaa and close, 4th by reciting 'Ain and close, 5th thumb by reciting Saad and close,you now have a closed fist.(1st reading)

Now open as you closed with small finger 1st by reciting Kaaf open, 2nd nextfinger by reciting Haa open, 3rd finger by reciting Yaa open, 4th by reciting'Ain open, 5th thumb by reciting Saad open.(2nd reading)
3rd time close small finger 1st by reciting
Kaaf and close, 2nd next finger byreciting Haa and close, 3rd fingerby recitingYaa and close, 4th by reciting 'Ain and close, 5th thumb by reciting Saad andclose, you now have a closed again.(3rd reading)
1st. Recite unsurna and open small finger
2nd. Recite Fa-innaka khayrun-nasireen open second finger
3rd. Recite Fa-innaka khayrun-fathiheen open third finger
4th. Recite Fa-innaka khayrun-ghafireen open fourth finger
5th. Recite Fa-innaka khayrun-rahimeen open thumb ]

Wahdina wanajjina minal qawmidh-dhalimeen. (Dha* that comes after Taa*)
Wa hab lana reehan tayyibatan kama hiya fi 'il*mik.
Wan-shurha 'a*layna min khazaa-ini rahmatik. (Wanshurha)
Wahmilna biha hamlal karamati ma'assalamati wal 'afiyati fid-deeni wad-dunyawal akhira. 'Innaka 'ala kulli shayin qadeer.'
Andguide and deliver us from the People of Oppression.
Andgrant us a fair wind according to Your Knowledge and waft it upon us from theTreasures of Your Mercy. Carry us by the conveyance of Your Generosity with Peacein our lives in this world & in the world to come 'over all things You havepower'(3:26)[Note 7]

Allahumma yassir lana umuranama'arrahati li qulubina wa abdanina
was-salamati wal 'afiyati fi dunyana wa deenina. Wa kul-lana sahiban fi
safarina wa khaleefatan fi ahlina. Wat-mis 'ala
wujuhi a'daaaaa-ina. Wam-sakh
hum 'ala makanatihim fala yasta-ti'unal mudiyya walal maji'a ilayna.
'Wa law nashaaa-u latamasna 'a*la a'*yunihim fas-tabaqus-sirata fa-annayubsiroon. Wa law nashaaa-u lamasakh nahum 'a*la makanatihim famas-tata'*umudiyyaw-wa la yarji'*oon.'
Oh, Allah! Make easy for us our situations/tasks withrest for our hearts and our bodies; and peace and well-being in our spiritualand worldly lives and be to us our Companion in our journey and the Guardian ofour family. Efface the faces of our enemy. Freeze them in their places sothat they are unable to go or to come against us. 'If We willed We would havewiped out their eyes, then they would have raced to the Way, but how would theyhave seen? And if We willed, We would have frozen them in their places, neithercould they go forth or could they return' (36:66-67).[Note 7a]

[Point.4 Upon reading umurana-Make easy for ouraffairs/tasks think in your heart deeply your need and task that you wouldlike to made easy for you, maybe a job interview, maybe a marriage proposal, orfinancial purpose, maybe some troublesome person is causing you issues inlife or work, put the object for which this dua-(meaning the Hizb ul Bahr) isbeing read for in your heart and think about it, focus and make niyyahwhen you say the word 'umurana-Make easy for our tasks'and simply placethat task to be made easy into your heart, or picture it happening in yourheart when you say the word umurana. Know that niyyah-intentionis energy and has a direction and movement and flow. And niyyah hasa vibration or resonance or echoing and it maintains itsmomentum by the leve of intention from our souls and heart and whenthe words of a niyyah are said they travel and start to transform into action ]
[Point.5 Upon reciting the word (Wujuhi-faces) closed your right handinto a fist and shake it up and down to the ground and release if facingground.
Thus 'efface the faces of our enemy,' efface means to obliterate, to wipe out; doaway with; expunge: to efface or erase one's unhappy memories. to rub out,erase. And is a methaphor for a man's honour, anotherway it could beseen as is, 'Wipe out/destroy the faces or honour of our enemy'. For adishonoured or disgraced face is below you and a head with a body is uselessand powerless ]

'Ya seeeen. Wal Qur'aanil hakeemi. Innaka laminalmursaleen. 'Ala
siratim-mustaqeem. Tanzeelal 'azeezir-raheemi. Li tunzira qawmam-ma undhira
aaabaaa-uhum fahum ghafiloon. Laqad haqqal qawlu 'a*la ak-tharihim fahum la
yu'minoon. Inna ja'alna fi a*'naqihim aghlalan fa hiya ilal adhqani fahum
muqmahoon. Wa ja'alna mim-bayni aydihim saddan wa min khalfihim saddan
fa-agh shaynahum fahum la yubsiroon.'

'Ya-Seen, By the Qur'an, full of wisdom.
You are indeed among the Messengers. On a straight way.
Sent down by the All-Powerful, the Merciful. So that you may warn a people
whose forefathers received no admonition and who therefore remain heedless.
The Word has been proved true against the greater part of them, for they do
not believe. Behold, We have placed yokes around their necks
so that their heads are forced up. And We have placed in front of them abarrier and behind them a barrier and further, We have covered them up: so thatthey do not see' (36:1-9).
Shaahatil wujooh.
Shaahatil wujooh.
Shaahatil wujooh.

May their faces be deformed!
May their faces be deformed!
May their faces be deformed! [Note 8]

[Point.6 Upon reciting the on word ('Shaahatilwujooh'-May their faces be deformed) slap the ground with your left hand. 3times. with each recitation think in your heart of your enemies that they bedestroyed. and strike the ground, and understanding is with the back ofyour right hand each time. however there is another understanding of using the left hand with the palm hitting the floor each of the 3 times andeach with reciting Shaahatil wujooh'-May their faces be deformed.- Again seepoint 5. about the meaning of faces be deformed and disgraced meaningpowerless]
'Wa '*anatil wujoohu lil hayyil qayyumi wa qadkhaba man hamaladhulma.'
'Faces shall be humbled before the Living, the Self-Subsistent. Indeed willfail, the one who has evil within him' (20:111).

'Ta seen. Ha meem. 'Ain seen qaaf.' (Madd on letters)
Tah-Seen; Tah-Seen-Meem; Ha-Meem-‘Ain-Seen-Qaf.
'Marajal bahrayni yaltaqiyaan. Baynahumabarzakhul-la yabghiyan.'
'He let forth the two seas that come together, between them is a barrier theydo not pass' (55:19-20).
'Ha meem. Ha meem. Ha meem. Ha meem. Ha meem. Hameem. Ha meem.' (Madd)
[Ha-Meem] (7x). [Note 9]

[Point.7 Recite Ha-Mim seven times,1st Recite Ha-Mim and thenblow to your right side, 2nd Recite Ha-Mim and blow to your left side,3rd Recite Ha-Mim and blow in Front of yourself, then 4th Recite Ha-Mim andthen blow behide your back. 5th Recite Ha-Mim and then up into the air. 6th Recite Ha-Mim and blow down below. finally 7th Recite Ha-Mim and thenblow across into hands and rub across chest and all over over your body, the reasons for blowing all 7 directions will be explained in the Commentary]

Hummal amru wa ja-an-nasru fa'*alayna la yunsaroon.
'Ha meem. Tanzeelul kitabi minallahil '*azeezil '*aleem. Ghafiridh-dhambi waqabilit-tawbi shadeedil '*iqabi dhit-tawli la ilaha illa huwa ilayhilmaseer.'

The matter is decreed, victory came, against us they shall not be victorious.
'Ha-Meem. The Book came down from Allah, The Most Powerful, the All-Knowing'(41:1-2). Pardoner of sin, Accepter of penitence, terrible in retribution, TheBountiful. 'There is no god but He, to Him is the Homecoming' (40:3).
Bismillahi, baabuna Tabaraka, hitanuna Ya seen,saqfuna (Madd ya seen)
Kaaf Haa Ya 'Ain Sad, kifayatuna Haa Meem 'Ain Seen Qaafhimayatuna. [Note 10] (Madd Kaff Ayn Saad) and (Meem Ayn Seen Qaaf)
[‘In the Name of Allah' is our door. ‘By His blessing', our walls. Ya-Seen, ourroof. Kaaf-Ha-Ya-‘Ain-Saad, our sufficiency. Ha-Meem-‘Ain-Seen-Qaf, ourprotection.

[Point.8 When you read Kaaf, Haa, Yaa,'Ain, Saad, with your right hand close your small finger 1st with byrecitingKaaf and close, 2nd next finger by reciting Haa and close, 3rdfinger by reciting Yaa and close, 4th by reciting 'Ain and close, 5th thumb byreciting Saad and close, you now have a closed fist.
Now open as you closed with small finger 1st by reciting Haa open, 2ndnext finger by reciting Meem open, 3rd finger by reciting 'Ain open,4th by reciting Seen open, 5th thumb by reciting Qaaf open.

'Fasayakfikahumullahu wa huwas-sami'*ul '*aleem. [Note 10]
Fasayakfikahumullahu wa huwas-sami'*ul '*aleem.
Fasayakfikahumullahu wa huwas-sami'*ul '*aleem.'
Sitrul '*arshi masbulun '*alayna, wa 'ainullahi nadhiratun ilayna, bi hawlillahila yuqdaru '*alayna.
[Note 11]
Wallahu miw-waraaihim muheet. Bal huwa Qura'anum-majeed. Fi lawhim-mahfoodh.

'Allah will protect us and He is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing' (2:137)] (3x).
[Theveil of the Throne is extended over us, and the Eye Of Allah gazes upon us, bythe Power of Allah, none may decree evil upon us. 'And Allah, all unseen, hassurrounded them. Truly it is a Glorious Qur'an. In a preserved Tablet'(85:20-22).

'Fallahu khayrun hafidhan-wa huwaarhamur-rahimeen.
Fallahu khayrun hafidhan wa huwa arhamur-rahimeen.
Fallahu khayrun hafidhan wa huwa arhamur-rahimeen.'

'And Allah is the best Protector and He is the Most Merciful of those who showMercy' (12:92)] (3x).
'Inna waliy-yiyallahul-ladhee nazzalal kitabawa huwa yatawallas-saliheen.'
'Inna waliy-yiyallahul-ladhee nazzalal kitaba wa huwayatawallas-saliheen.'
'Inna waliy-yiyallahul-ladhee nazzalal kitaba wahuwa yatawallas-saliheen.'

['Truly my Protector is Allah, the One who sent down the Book,and He protectsthe righteous' (7:196)] (3x).
'Hasbiyallahu la ilaha illa huwa 'alayhitawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul '*arshil '*adheem
Hasbiyallahu la ilaha illa huwa 'alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul '*arshil'*adheem.'
'Hasbiyallahu la ilaha illa huwa 'alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul '*arshil *'adheem.'

Hizbul Bahr Text

['Sufficientfor me is Allah, there is no god but He, upon Him I place my trust, and He isthe Lord of the Glorious Throne' (9:129)] (3x).[Note 12]

Bismillahil ladhee la yadurru ma*'asmihi shayun filardi wa la fis-samaaa-i wa huwas-sami'*ul '*aleem.
Bismillahil ladhee la yadurru ma*'asmihi shayun fil ardi wa la fis-samaaa-i wahuwas-sami'*ul '*aleem.
Bismillahil ladhee la yadurru ma'*asmihi shayun fil ardi wa la fis-samaaa-i wahuwas-sami'ul '*aleem.
[Inthe Name of Allah with whose Name no harm shall come to anything in the earthnor in the heavens and He is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing] (3x). [Note 13]
Audhu bi kalimatillahit-taammati min sharri ma khalaq.
Audhu bi kalimatillahit-taammati min sharri ma khalaq.
Audhu bi kalimatillahit-taammati min sharri ma khalaq.
[Note 14]
Inthe name of God, with whose Name nothing in the earth or sky can do harm, forHe is the All-Hearer, All-Knower. (3x).

Wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil '*aliyyil'*adheem.
Wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil '*aliyyil '*adheem.
Wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahil '*aliyyil *adheem.
[Note 15]
[Andthere is no Power and no Might except with Allah, the Exalted, the Glorious].(3x).
  • HizbulBahr English & Transliteration & Commentary and Spiritual hand. Hizb ul Bahr English & Transliteration. Al Afw-it is the forgiveness of sins and.
  • By Sayyiduna Imam Abul Hasan al-Shadhili. PDF (Arabic, English and transliteration). Of Sayyiduna Sheikh Muhammad ibn Mas'ud al-Fasi; Hizb al-Bahr.

HizbulBahr English & Transliteration & Commentary and. Spiritual hand & blowing protection movements The Imam Shadhili said; about the Hizb ul Bahr By God, I did not utter it [the Litany of. Windows 10 sound set default greyed out.

Hizb al-Bahr or ‘The Litany of the Sea' is recited after the midafternoon prayer (‘asr). Some read it at sunrise, at which time it possesses particular properties, and it is also read whenever one is in particular need of something, in which case one makes one's intention at the words wa sakhkhir lana hadha l-bahr ('and subject to us this sea'). Like all of the hizbs of the tariqa, it should be memorized and recited from one's heart as if it were one's own words, with complete attention to whom one is addressing it.

It is not a magic wand, but an expression of slavehood and poverty. In a general way, the purpose of these wirds is not only to train the heart in du‘a', but to eventually eliminate one's absentmindedness from Allah, and one must strive in them to have presence of heart. Though memorized, they are not rote. (Shaykh Nuh Keller –

From The Mystical Teachings of al-Shadhili

The worthy Shaykh Abu al-‘Aza'im Madi ibn Sultan related to me in the city ofTunis, may God the Exalted watch over it, as did also the worthy and blessed Shaykh Sharaf al-Din, son of the Shaykh (al-Shadhili) in the city of Damanhur al-Wahsh of Egypt in the year A.H. 715 that shaykh was on the point of setting out from Cairo to perform the pilgrimage to Mecca a short time after the departure of the pilgrims.

He said, 'I have been divinely ordered to go on pilgrimage this year. So find for us a Nile vessel in which to make the journey by way of Upper Egypt:' They looked about for a vessel, but found only one belonging to Christians on which was an elderly Christian man with his sons.

He said, 'Let us get on board:' We entered the vessel and set sail from Cairo and traveled for two or three days. Then the wind shifted so that we were sailing into it. So we tied up to the bank of the Nile at an uninhabited spot. We remained there about a week within sight of the hills of Cairo.

One of the pilgrims accompanying us asked, 'How is it that the Shaykh says that he was ordered to perform the pilgrimage this year when the time for it has passed? And how long will this journey take? , In the middle of the day the shaykh slept and awoke, and then offered this prayer [known as Litany of the Sea]. 'Where is the captain of the vessel?' he inquired.

'Yes' he answered, 'here I am:'
'What is your name?' the shaykh asked. 'Mismar:'
'O blessed Mismar, unfurl the sail:' the shaykh ordered.
'O my master:' the captain objected, '[lf I do that], we shall come again to Cairo by sailing before the wind:'
'We shall again become travelers:' the shaykh replied, 'if God wills:'

Again the captain objected, 'This wind will drive us back to Cairo before the end of this day, and, furthermore, with the wind as it is, to get the ship under sail will be absolutely impossible:'

'Unfurl the sail;' the shaykh ordered him, 'with the blessing of God:' So we unfurled the sail, and God [He is exalted] commanded the wind so that it shifted and filled the sail [so quickly that they] were unable to cast off the rope from the stake. They cut it and we departed under a gentle breeze. The captain converted to Islam, both he and his brother.

Their father did not cease to lament and say, 'I have lost my two sons on,
this journey:' 'On the contrary;' the shaykh said to him, 'you have gained them:'

That night the Christian had a vision in which the day of resurrection, as it were, had come, and he was beholding the Garden and the fire. He witnessed the shaykh (al-Shadhili) conducting to the Garden a large crowd of people. Among them were the Christian's sons. He wanted to follow them, but he was prevented. He was told, 'You are not of them until you enter their religion:'

The Christian related that to the shaykh, and he [the Christian] converted to Islam. Then the shaykh told him, 'The people whom you saw with me are my companions to the day of resurrection.'

We continued our journey easily and successfully with incidents the telling of which would consume a long time. They finished the pilgrimage that year.
My master, Madi, related, according to a report from the shaykh, The Christian became one of the great saints of God. Consequently, he sold his vessel and performed the pilgrimage with us, along with his sons.

He had a zawiya (worship place) in Upper Egypt and was one of those who were endowed with charismatic powers. This blessed journey was an occasion for the manifestation of such a power. May God have mercy on him and be pleased with him.

The shaykh said,
By God, I did not utter it [the Litany of the Sea] except as it came from the Prophet of God, from whose instruction I learned it. 'Guard it;' he said to me, 'for it contains the greatest name of God:'

It is not recited in any place without security reigning there. If it had been with the inhabitants of Baghdad, the Tatars would not have taken the city.

Hizb al-Bahr

The Litany of the Sea

Hizb al-Bahr



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Hizb Al Bahr English Transliteration



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Hizb Al Bahr Text

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